In celebration of National Computer Science Education Week, we hosted our 6th Annual Brothers Code event, in partnership with Kapor Center and sponsored by Kaiser Permanente and Stripe. More than 100 participants joined us at Merritt College for a full day of innovative programming. This year’s event marked a milestone for our Hidden Genius Alum as ALL workshops and activities were facilitated by our Youth Educators. Congratulations to our Geniuses for this achievement!

Youth Educators leading innovative workshops and activities

Community Expo powered by our incredible partners

Click HERE to read a Special CS Education Week PSA by
our Executive Director, Brandon Nicholson, Ph.D.

Special thanks to all of our sponsors and partners for helping to make this experience possible: 


Help us reveal the potential of one of societies most under-utilized assets: black male youth. Help us inspire young black men to create, solve problems, and meaningfully engage with the community around them. Invest in GENIUS today.

To make a donation offline, please send your contribution to:
The Hidden Genius Project
2934 Telegraph Avenue, Oakland, CA 94609